Vigilancia tecnológica

Vigilancia Tecnológica

Quantification of Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Wood–Plastic Recycled Composite (WPRC) and Verification of the Effect of Reducing Emissions through Multiple Recycling

Wood–plastic recycled composite (WPRC) is a building material that uses certain amounts of recycled wood and/or plastic materials contained in wood–plastic composites. They are characterized by multiple recycling processes in which products that become post-consumer materials are technically able to be recycled to produce WPRC products. However, there is no research case that quantifies the effect of reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions for the feature of multiple recycling. In this study, we quantified GHG emissions during the life cycle of WPRC that was manufactured by companies certified to the Japanese Industrial Standard (JIS) A 5741, using the life cycle assessment method. The following conclusions were revealed in this study. 1) The GHG emission of the targeted WPRC was 3489 kg-CO2e/t, and the emission rates from the WPRC production process and the combustion of WPRC waste were found to be particularly high. 2) It was found that setting the recycled material rate of plastic materials to 100% would reduce GHG emissions by 28%?1316 kg-CO2e/t?compared to when the recycled material rate was 0%. 3) It was also found that GHG emissions can be reduced by up to about 28% by multiple recycling of WPRC. It can be said that this study set a benchmark of GHG emissions for WPRC produced in Japan.

Fecha publicación: 20/03/2020

Autor: Yuki Fuchigami

Referencia: doi: 10.3390/su12062449

MDPI (sustainability)

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